Thursday, August 14, 2008
Top Fuel Saving Devices - Save Gasoline With Water Fuel For Cars
A water fuel system for car uses hydrogen gas (H2) as a supplementary energy source for the engine. An internal combustion engine uses fossil fuel as its main energy source. This kind of technology is inefficient because more than half the energy produced is lost through friction and heat. By supplementing H2 into the fuel mix, it has the potential to generate a smoother and strong explosion in the engine.
To use hydrogen gas in the engine, it has to be extracted from water. This is done through an electrolysis process. Hydrogen bubbles are produced when electricity current is passed through water. The collected H2 is to be vented in the engine air intake system and diverted into the combustion chambers. When a car is using hydrogen gas as a complementary fuel, the car has a potential to travel further due to H2 being three times more potent than fossil fuel. Better mileage means higher fuel cost savings for the car owner. The only emission from the conversion system is pure water vapor released into the exhaust pipe.for water powred products or kits just click this and check this out............
Sunday, August 10, 2008
How Does a Water Powered Car Work - If it Works at All
The headlines are a bit over the top - "Run Your Car On Water", they claim. The reality is that you can't run your car or truck on water alone. However, you can split the water into it's component elements, Oxygen and Hydrogen, and feed these into your engine along with the regular gas. This creates a mixture that is far more efficient, and in tests has achieved fuel consumption savings of 45% - 65% on standard vehicles.
When you separate the component parts out of the water they form a mixed gas called HHO, or Brown's Gas. Both the gases in the mixture help combustion - most people know that Oxygen is essential for combustion, and Hydrogen itself is highly flammable, and will increase the efficiency of the gas burn.
Now it might sound like you need a chemical plant to split the H2O into HHO , but in fact your local hardware store or auto parts supplier should have everything you need. It needn't be expensive either - you should easily be able to get everything for $50 - $100 if you shop around. To learn how simple it is to perform the conversion, and find out what you need, a detailed guide is essential.
So what are you waiting for? Are you sick of high gas prices? Do you want to stop polluting our planet? Click the link below for more details about using HHO gas to reduce your gas consumption
Save $100's by Converting to a Water Powered Car and Increase Fuel Economy by 20-40%
First of all, one has to know that a water powered car doesn't mean a car running solely on water. We are actually talking about a car which uses water as a supplement in addition to the usual gasoline in the engine to power the car. Fuel consumption is effectively reduced in the process.
The conversion is not complicated, let me try and explain this step so you get an idea of how easily you can fit the water-for-gas system in your car. There is actually nothing to change in your engine, so you will still keep all warranties, if you decide to remove the device from your car.
When you read the water4gas method, you will see the implementation consists of placing a container filled with distilled water, a little baking soda and two electrodes for the electrolysis process. The electricity required to do this is supplied from the engine's battery. You will see that even the electrical connection is easy to do, not needing any complicated devices. The setup produces the HHO gas, also known as Brown gas. This gas is what we supply to the carburetor.
HHO gas helps your car to burn gas more efficiently and improve fuel economy. The average car wastes a lot gas and pollutes the environment. With the water powered car, fuel economy is improved by 20-40% and reduce emissions, hence protecting your environment and health.
There are number of other benefits in the long run, such as the life span of the engine will be extended, there will be less maintenance costs, better engine performance and more.